miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009

Bolivar Square

Plaza Bolívar is located near the 95th Street, Venezuela, between 4 and 5 Avenues.

The plaza was the core foundation of the old colonial city and was formerly known as Plaza Mayor de San Sebastian de la Concorde.

Today is dedicated to the figure of Simón Bolívar, finding the center of the square an equestrian statue of the Liberator, and in each of the four corners of the square a sculpture of a nymph, symbolizing each trade, marine, art and industry.
The Bolivar square is placed close to the street 95, Venezuela, between the Avenue 4 and 5.

In the square we find the headquarters buildings of the municipal authorities, regional and ecclesiastical.

·         Address: Plaza Bolivar Maracaibo

·         Phone: +58 (261) 7186013

·         Distance to public transportation: Airport 18 KM

·         City Center 0-1 KM 

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